Glazed plants pot is a type of pot in which a glassy coating is put to enhance its decoration and protection. The glazed that covers the sides of the pots give them a bright colour, also protecting the pots so they can better withstand temperature and weathering.
There are varieties of glazed pots in Melbourne for the plant which is used planting. Famous of them are blue and white glazed garden pots. The glaze on the pots protects them from the cracks that can occur on unglazed pots during winters. They can break if they are left empty during the winter and water collects inside them. Glazed Ceramic Pots have waterproof layer or coating of a glassy substance which has been blended to a ceramic body through firing which is good for indoor plants. Glazed provides colour, decorate or waterproof an item. Glazing makes earthenware vessels suitable for keeping liquids, fasten the inherent porosity of unglazed earthenware. It provides a tough surface. Glazed is also used on stoneware and porcelain. In addition to their use, glazes can form a variety of surface finishes, including quality of glossy or matte finish and colour. Glazes may also enhance the underlying design or texture, carved or painted.